The injustice of our time…My name is Moe
I came back for the fourth time from the American embassy, it usually takes a week for your visa to be approved, and it has now been 5 months for me. 3 visits, R1000, 2 passports, booked and cancelled 3 amazing courses later and still nothing.
They say it is because my name is too common. My reply, “John is a really common name too”. “But Sir, Moe is on a lot of terrorist lists”, she replied. “Who’s terrorists list?” I asked. “The American ones, naturally sir”, was her response.
Not too long ago, they filtered people according to the colour of their skin. Movies were made, Laws were implemented, and Countries were run on this intolerance and injustice. Then we turned to the Evil Germans who wanted to concur the world, Movies were made, Laws implemented; then the Evil Russians with their Communism that wanted to enslave the world, again Movies were made, Wars were justified and Laws implemented, then the Vietnamese, and the same; then the Chinese and the same; and then next and next, One intolerance after another…. and now its Muslims. I’m being persecuted because of my name. My name speaks of my value system, my belief, my culture, my heritage, my life. They are persecuting my life.
Honestly I’m torn between understanding the need to protect your country vs.. the outrageous miss use of power. I am a human like you, I believe in God like you, I believe that all people are equal, I believe in Peace, I believe in not hurting innocent lives (unlike you).
What if I was an Atheist, would it make a difference? Likewise what if my name is John and I’m Muslim, would I undergo the same treatment? I don’t think so, because you only see a name and assume what it represents. You assume and judge. Should we not do the same for you? Don’t tell me of 9/11, because it begs the Question what of Iraq, Vietnam, Hiroshima, Guantanamo Bay, Africa, and countless other brutalities where you killed and tortured innocent people. But in this world where you are king there is no comparison, for 9/11 justifies everything.
You filter me by my name, prejudice me because of my belief, but you do not understand me or my belief. The only mark you have left on this Earth is your ability to hate other humans different from you.
We will not change because you do not accept us. We will not be assimilated. We don’t want to visit the land where you destroyed the indigenous people. We don’t want your money, your clothes, your view on beauty and your “all things american”. However the nature of this period in the World sometimes forces us to visit you and then I must try to be like you, and I must feel that prejudice and I must wait 5 months at my expense for your acceptance. And if you grant us that visa accepting us to visit your land of abundance and waste we go there knowing, you are judging us, watching us, never understanding us, never willing to tolerate something different from you.
I am a Muslim, My name is Moe