Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Dispicable In essence, Dodo anyone?

Dodo anyone?

I should be working instead I find motivation is as a rare as a dodo in these times. Humans are strange and funny creatures. I get scared when I think I’m one of them, the only solace is we are all unique.

Wishful thinking, when the Assimilation using CNN, and Fox News, we all think the same behave the same with the same ideals. Where diversity of thought, belief and looks are despised, attacked and admonished.

Anyway I work with a bunch on Nuts between us we mostly talk a lot of Shyte and to be fair I contribute my fair share of it, but by no means the chief supplier.

Life’s strange thing, I mean we all know we going to die but does it ever sink in that people we love will die too. How do we prepare for it? How stupid those small squabbles seem now? We fight with our friends, parent’s family, and really we have no assurance that in the next minute any of us would be alive. I’m not saying we should not fight, but we should take things in perspective. So many fathers fight with their sons, what if one were to die right now?

Anyway I was wondering how much of love is reasonable, or if any part of it is. I was watching the love letter about two people who fell in love in two different times over letters. Makes u wonder do u love the person for who they are / how they look or the 6th sense connection / or do we just love for the sake of loving?

1 comment:

Bilal said...

interesting. say more.